  • 1 partecipanti
  • 416 conversazioni

09 Nov '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009110610006017] Inoperativita' servizi del / Not available .it Registry services
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 06 Nov '09

06 Nov '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009103010005288] Meeting annuale del Registro .it /.it Registry yearly meeting
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 30 Ott '09

30 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009102710012008] Presentazione campagna di comunicazione/Communication Campaign presentation
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 27 Ott '09

27 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009102210017316] Sciopero 23/10/2009 - Italian National strike on October 23, 2009
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 22 Ott '09

22 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009102110015294] Intervento di manutenzione straordinaria/Extraordinary maintenance service
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 21 Ott '09

21 Ott '09

20 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009101610009604] REMINDER: Corso Aspetti Legali e Giuridici/Legal and Juridical aspects course
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 16 Ott '09

16 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009101310012552] Interruzione servizio di helpdesk telefonico/Telephone helpdesk service interruption
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 13 Ott '09

13 Ott '09
[Registrars] [Ticket#2009100910006782] Intervento di manutenzione straordinaria/Extraordinary maintenance service
by Registrars which have drawn up a contract with the ccTLD .it Registry 09 Ott '09

09 Ott '09
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